Road to $50k: Creating A Media Business Part #3

Sedem Amekpewu
4 min readNov 24, 2023


Hi there … 😃
This is my third update concerning NewsFoldr, the news aggregation product I am creating, in my previous posts, I talk about the idea and reasoning behind creating this product, the architecture I am using to help me develop this product, I also made some comments on the business of creating something like this, and how I plan to successfully make an exit at $50k.

If you have not read, any of my previous posts I’d urge you to have a look, there might be some exciting details there that you can implement in your own Saas product, that can take it to the next level. To read about it click any of the embedded links below.

In this post, I will talking about the progress made, since my last update, the challenges I am facing, my…



Sedem Amekpewu

Building finance applications, one function at a time with a beginners mindset.